side view; white wingbars (Zion National Park, Utah; 2013-05-06)

Grace's Warbler
Dendroica graciae

Native Range: North America

Notes: In the United States, this species is the southwestern counterpart of the Yellow-throated Warbler in the southeastern U.S.; both species are quite simmilar in appearance and habits.

yellow throat and eyestripe (Zion National Park, Utah; 2013-05-06)

forages mostly in pine trees (Zion National Park, Utah; 2013-05-06)

white belly; black-streaked flanks (Zion National Park, Utah; 2013-05-06)

white undertail coverts (Zion National Park, Utah; 2013-05-06)

black line through the eye (Zion National Park, Utah; 2013-05-06)

quite like Yellow-throated Warbler (Zion National Park, Utah; 2013-05-06)