aquamarine bluish and grey plumage (Arizona, USA; 2012-04-28)
Mexican Jay
Aphelocoma ultramarina
Native Range:
North America and Middle America
the range of this large Middle American species barely reaches the United States in southeastern Arizona; the name "ultramarina" aptly describes the beautiful aquamarine plumage of this bird; no sexual dimorphism.

dorsal view (Arizona, USA; 2012-04-28)

larger than its Western Scrub Jay relative (Arizona, USA; 2012-04-28)

some black in the lores area; strong dark bill (Arizona, USA; 2012-04-28)

pair feeding on the ground (Arizona, USA; 2012-04-28)

side view (Arizona, USA; 2012-04-28)

frontal view; greyish breast (Arizona, USA; 2012-04-28)

posing for a body portrait (Arizona, USA; 2012-04-28) |

poing for a head portrait (Arizona, USA; 2012-04-28) |