first-winter non-breeding plumage (California, USA; 2014-12-29)
Franklin's Gull
Larus pipixcan
Native Range:
North America
the prairie counterpart of the Laughing Gull; breeds in the plains states of the U.S. interior where it feeds on insects disturbed from plowed land; normally migrates well south of the U.S. to winter; rare vagrant elsewhere.

black head is fading (California, USA; 2014-12-29)

on the rocks (California, USA; 2014-12-29)

drinking (California, USA; 2014-12-29)

stretching (California, USA; 2014-12-29)

black legs and feet (California, USA; 2014-12-29)

head portrait; note the broken eye-ring (California, USA; 2014-12-29)

brown on wings of first-year bird (California, USA; 2014-12-29) |

posing for a portrait (California, USA; 2014-12-29) |