bright red bill; long tail streamers (Hawaii, USA; 2007-04-02)

Red-billed Tropicbird
Phaethon aethereus

Native Range: Tropical Oceans

Notes: only three species exist in this family of plunge-diving seabirds of tropical oceans around the world; all of the tropicbird species have long flowing central-tail streamers and mostly white plumages; flight is strong and rapid with stiff wingbeats; the birds also float on the water or perch on land in a distinctive posture with tail strongly arched; birds forage in warm marine waters often far from land; nest on cliff ledges or cavities on rocky oceanic islands; diet consists mostly of fish and squid that the birds catch by plunge-diving from as high as 25 meters above the water's surface; no sexual dimorphism.

black eyestripe; horizontal black barring on back (Hawaii, USA; 2007-04-02)

tail arched in characteristic sitting posture (Hawaii, USA; 2007-04-02)

stiff-winged, rapid-wingbeat flight (Hawaii, USA; 2007-04-02)

posing for a portrait (Hawaii, USA; 2007-04-02)

beauty in flight (Panama; 2008-06-30)

beauty in flight (Panama; 2008-06-30)

beauty in flight (Panama; 2008-06-30)

beauty in flight (Panama; 2008-06-30)

beauty in flight (Panama; 2008-06-30)

beauty in flight (Panama; 2008-06-30)