drake in breeding plumage (California, USA; 2008-02-23)

Eurasian Wigeon
Anas penelope

Native Range: Eurasia

Notes: Eurasian counterpart of the American Wigeon; although drakes of these two species have quite different plumages, hens are closely similar in appearance.

drake in eclipse (nonbreeding) plumage (Northern Ireland; 2008-09-28)

drake in eclipse (nonbreeding) plumage (Northern Ireland; 2008-09-14)

pair (California, USA; 2006-11-12)

pair drinking from freshwater stream (California, USA; 2006-11-12)

drake in breeding plumage (California, USA; 2007-01-06)

drake swimming with American Wigeon (California, USA; 2008-02-23)